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tgmath.h - 実装

hack で頑張ったり GCC 拡張を使ったり

integer なら double を、浮動小数点ならその型を使いたい

   /* This is ugly but unless gcc gets appropriate builtins we have to do
     something like this.  Don't ask how it works.  */
   /* 1 if 'type' is a floating type, 0 if 'type' is an integer type.
     Allows for _Bool.  Expands to an integer constant expression.  */
  #define __floating_type(type) (((type) 0.25) && ((type) 0.25 - 1))
   /* The tgmath real type for T, where E is 0 if T is an integer type and
     1 for a floating type.  */
  #define __tgmath_real_type_sub(T, E) \
    __typeof__(*(0 ? (__typeof__(0 ? (double *)0 : (void *)(E)))0               \
                   : (__typeof__(0 ? (T *)0 : (void *)(!(E))))0))
   /* The tgmath real type of EXPR.  */
  #define __tgmath_real_type(expr) \
    __tgmath_real_type_sub(__typeof__(expr), __floating_type(__typeof__(expr)))
